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Let's Hit the Road!

We believe that you can find adventure anywhere. From a walk through the streets of your hometown, to a walk down the streets of Paris. An adventure doesn't begin the moment you arrive at your destination and end the moment you leave. It happens in the steps that it takes to get there and the steps coming home. Adventure happens when you let go of any expectations and just let yourself be.

Let me start our adventures together by introducing myself and my friend. My name is Audrey Sigler. I study English at the University of Texas, watch Schitt's Creek, and do yoga. I run this blog alongside my partner in crime, Kylie Jackson. Kylie is a Marketing major at the University of Texas, an avid film enthusiast, and a sweet tea-drinking country gal. This website became our "brainchild" on what can only be described as any other day. The two of us were going stir crazy in the midst of our third college semester, dreaming about the places we will go when we graduate. As we talked, the two of us realized that nothing is stopping us from having adventures now. Even if we don't have the resources to fly to Thailand tomorrow, we can find adventure right in our apartment. Ultimately, we want to make the most out of what we have right now and we want to encourage y'all to do the same. You shouldn't treat yesterday, today, and tomorrow like any other day. You should treat it like your life. You should take in as much vibrancy as you can.

We know that travel limitations are real. Whether you don't have the financial means or you don't have the time, I want to let you know that your current limitations could be a blessing in disguise. They could allow you to discover what you never would have imagined: adventure is all around you. It's in the meals you cook, the people you talk to, and your random Tuesday night walks.

An adventure in a park on any other day:

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